My Foreigner Friends Interested in Brabrabra

My Foreigner Friends Interested in Brabrabra

I started to work as an exporter because my hobby was buying things from abroad countries by internet. And around year 2000, I started to get something interesting in Yahoo! Internet Auction.

Such as letter stamps, broken camera, miniature train models, etc.
Even not understandable things are on my collection.

One day, I got this.

I remember, I bought this as a kind of letter stamps collection.
But nobody could predict this will be a hit product

… … well not so much:)
But my foreigner friends were excited that it’s too cool!

Not so valuable thing.
These are medals and decoration.

As I’m not a professional medal collector so Maybe there are unofficial medals are in here.
But my friends were impressed so much.

Based on the internet information, there are some valuable medals. I heard as estate sale there are several appear. But is that possible to appear on the market?

Additionally, the medals were catching on internet buyers for few years ago.

Not sure but I think I was collecting medals when I was a kid. (Maybe those were toy but.)

Do you think the medals will be fashion in the future again?

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