St. Valentine’s day


As you know well, the origin of 14th of Feb. can be go back even Roman Period. And it is one of the rare events transmitted which was accepted by Catholic Church.

It introduced 1950s into Japan. And an enthusiastic Japanese sweets maker waged a campaign strongly. The bad thing is they miss leaded the event and it became popular in Japan.

  1. Give a present from women to men. It should be in one way.
  2. 1 must to be a chocolate
  3. Men have to prepare a return gift

The largest difference is the one way. If a man looks for a chocolate before 14th of Feb, people look at you with not icy, warmer stare.Well, in Kyoto’s St. Valentine day, advertize new style Wagashi (Japanese sweets) used Maccha and Chocotale.


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