Mystery of Ryoanji Stone Garden


Stone garden is one of the expressions of world with Stone and sand based on Japanese style.

Ryoanji temple’s stone garden is the most famous stone garden in Kyoto which has 15 stones and white small stones. And it has four mysteries.

  1. There are several stories but nobody knows who made this. There is a seal “Kotaro, Kojiro” on one of the stone but it can’t be a proof of the name of garden maker.
  2. White stones and 15 stones … what are these expressing? One of the theories says white stones are ocean, and larger stones are mountain or island. How do you think?
  3. The stone height is higher to lower from the North West to South East. And the wall is higher to lower from this way to deep garden. Why does it made for.
  4. The wall has 180 centimeters. It is hard and thick with special shield method. What was the reason to make this kind of thing?



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