Kamo River


Kamo River has its origin around Sajigatake Mountain.

The river was developed with Kyoto for 1200 years which is popular for refreshment and relaxation place of people as its clear water even now.
And the remarkable point is its seasonal beautiful difference of sight.
In the spring, the cherry blossoms are fully bloomed along the river side walking road. Around Kitayama Bridge to Aoi Bridge is popular area in this season.
In the summer, from Nijo Bridge to Sanjo Bridge alog the river is famous of Noryodoko which is a restaurant floor over the river. Looking at the river with Kyoto cuisine is so good.
In the autumn, is red leaves are enjoyable from Kamigamo Bridge to Kitaoji Bridge.
And in the winter, beautiful white sight with snow and hooded gull comes to Kamo River every year.



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