Silence is Golden?


Speech is silver, Silence is golden. This is introduced as the word of Thomas Carlyle but the origin is in Egypt. He did not use whole phrase on his book and when it translated in Japanese it became shorter. In Japan says just “Silence is Golden”. The meaning is little different from you know.

A day, my boss asked me to make “copy” of the data for everyone to identify the information. So I made data copies and renamed for each of employees then send them by e-mail. My boss said “Copy” but he wanted to say “Print”. In Japanese society, many English words are common in general life but sometimes the meaning is totally different as you recognize.

For Example, salsa source (Salsa means source so this says source source), program (which want to say text code written for execution file),Washlet (Japanglish product name automated toilet), soft fruit (want to say small fruit), etc. English word which is really common is more difficult to understand in Japan.


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