Five storied pagoda is a synonym for Kyoto. A post card with Kyoto view, you’ll find five storied pagoda in somewhere.
カテゴリー別アーカイブ: 未分類
Thare are three toilet types in Japan. Japanese type, Occidental type and Advanced Occidental type. Japanese style toilet is difficult to find in touristic points so forget it. Occidental type is as you know. The toilet seat with bidet functions is advanced occidental toilet type. This type is common in Hotel, Café, and Restaurant even in a house. The toilet is able to use as a normal one but if there are some functions, I’m sure you want to try.
Watch out your wallet
It says Japan is a safe country. Of course there are fraud, theft, murder, etc. as other countries but those are less. When a person parks the car in front of your house, when a person goes out next to, there are people who don’t lock the key. And nothing happens.
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Stone Garden Lantern
Have you ever heard about stone garden lantern which is in shines and Japanese gardens? It was used as light with
candle or oil, but actually I don’t have experience to see the lantern is lit.
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Kyoto Lantern
When we find a paper lantern, it makes us happier with in a warm atmosphere.
It is easy to find Japanese paper lantern in many places in Kyoto.