Roman Character


As you know Roman character is based on Latin. And as Latin Language it has compatibility with many Occidental languages.

Japanese believe every nation can able to read with Roman characters. Basically, it is a dream or fantasy. Because, Japanese uses Romanized Japanese. Not standardized Roman character.

What’s more, Japan is a monolingual country, this makes more difficult to notice and difficulty.

For example, when we tell 6 to English speakers as “ROKU” but it is easier for them to wright “ROCK”.

Another example, when we tell 8 to Spanish spealer as “HACHI” but it will pronounce as “Achi”. It should be “JACHI” in Spanish.

Sometime “Z” is as same as “S”. V pronounces as “U”. Some language uses two types of I such as Greek I “Y” and Latin I “I”.

It is reasonable that Japanese word is difficult to pronounce as Japanese is not using standardized Roman character and they cannot imagine the difference between Latin language countries differences.