Hanamikoji Street in Gion district


Hanamikoji Street of Gion is one of the street crossings from the North to the South.

The South side of Shijo Street keeps traditional street sight with classic hotels and cafes. It is a popular sightseeing point.

Around there is known as Gion district where was started as the entrance area of Yasaka shrine. It was burned out battle but rebuilt in Edo period (1603-1868).

The Gion was official redline district during Edo period where more than 1,000 Geiko, Maiko and Yujo (prostitutes) were working ande became more and more every time.

After time, the other government official redline district were ruined, Gion was developed. Actually, the area is cleaned but the sight is as same as ancient Kyoto where is protected as traditional treasure sight by government.
